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Come join NBTRMC & Internationally renowned Senior YOGA expert Vaidik yogi Dr Varunveer and Dr Tanu Singh at the Yoga Workshop and learn the mantra to be stress free and relax all the time using Pranayam, meditation and Yoga.
Indian yoga has become one of the world’s best today as people from various sectors of the society are showing interest in yoga to find inner peace, stay fit and healthy. But unfortunately, people in India, where it is said that the idea of YOG/Yoga was born is not taking the full advantage. In India people regularly suffer from stress and diseases like High BP, diabetes, obesity, indigestion, constipation, arthritis, asthma which are very common today.If a person includes morality, devotion to GOD, right food and YOGA in his/her lifestyle, he can avoid these disease or problems for sure. To live a peaceful life one needs to keep their breathing slow. By embracing YOGA in your daily routine, you can live longer and happily.
You will learn in the workshop:
Various forms of PRANAYAM like anulom vilom, sheetkari, sheetli, ujjai and chandrabhedi pranayam, breathing techniques to manage your breathes, practice of resounding sound of OM, Dhyana Yog, Yog nindra or yog sleep, various Surya namaskar and some asans to keep you stress free or content.