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Come join NBTRMC and Moonlight Films and Theatre Studio at the 3 Day Script Writing & Screenplay Writing Workshop to explore the beauty of creating content. Understand the various elements of Screenplay Writing and their Fundamentals through interactive lectures, screenings, writing exercises and a step by step development of a Story Idea into full Screenplay.
Topics to be discussed at the Workshop:
1.What is a story:
2.What are the elements of a good story? What keeps you hooked to the narrative? Story is Universal.
3.What is an Idea:
4.What is the origin of ideas? What does a writer do with his ideas?
5.How to break down your own idea to understand its scope and nature?
6.What is a Character:
7.How to detail out characters? Where do memorable characters come from?
8.What all do I need to know about my character?
9.What is a Plot:
10.What are the events in the story? How are they tied together? Do I need subplots?
11.Is Plot married to the climax?
12.What is Conflict:
13.How do I find conflict? What creates a rich Conflict? Where to look for it?
14.What is Structure:
15.Do I need to adhere to some structure? What are the prescribed structure patterns?
16.Three Act structure: Why?
17.Writing Scenes, Sequences
18.What is the basic unit of screenwriting? How to write a scene?
19.How to write a sequence and place it in the story?
20.Deciding a treatment
21.What does treatment mean? How does it change the story?
22.Narrative: How you can create different narratives with adding different layer of narratives .
23.Writing a Screenplay: Draft in industry format
24.What is a Step Outline? Writing a Screenplay with cinematic elements?
25.Just the right language: what is it?